Sunday, January 22, 2006

yes, we have too many bananas

I knew that hating to waste good food would bite me back one day.

Today was the day.

When I saw bananas without even a single freckle being tossed in a bin, of course I had to comment to the produce clerk. I was even polite. When offered a box full for $x, I responded $2?. No, he said $3. I waffled briefly, and said sure. I'll come back in a few minutes. And he wrote $2 on the box!! My cashier was jealous, I hope she gets a deal too.

He had loaded the box onto the cart, so off I went. Trying to load the box in my car should have been a clue. I could barely lift it. The smell of bananas quickly filled the car. Yup, the tropics visited my car in freezing January. I hope you are all jealous. I am about to get mine.

Visited a friend on the way home and managed to give her a few bunches off of the top. Got home and hoisted the box onto the kitchen table. Oh my goodness there are a lot of bananas in there.

Fortunately a neighbour was home and took a bag full that she would take with her to her sister's and leave them there. Clever woman.

Got most of the newspapers delivered and started peeling and freezing these things. There are a lot of bananas in that box.

Phoned a friend. She knew something was up right away. Thankfully she played along and said she would come and get some.

First batch of banana nut chocolate chip muffins go in the oven. Oh I didn't mention that I already had 5 freckled bananas on the kitchen table that were destined for baking. There are still a lot of bananas. DD makes a smoothy, one more gone.

Phoned another friend. Friend number one would be happy to drop some off. Sure she will, as soon as she finds out (smirk). Friend two offers the name of another victim. Awesome.

Friend one takes away three batches of bananas. I can see the bottom of the box. There are still a lot of bananas in there. Peeled and froze some more. I think I have finally gotten most of the squishy ones from the tossing.

There are still 27 bananas!!!!!! Plus 3 freckled ones. I will freeze some in their skins, tomorrow.

Thank you God for friends who will save one's penny pinching soul from her latest folly. goodnight